Jan 5, 2024

Your Chevrolet is a valuable asset that requires regular care to stay in top-notch condition. Here are a few car maintenance tips from your Chevy dealer about how to keep your Chevy in great shape for years to come.

7 Car Maintenance Tips from Your Chevy Dealer

Regular Oil Changes

The engine oil keeps moving parts lubricated, reduces friction between engine parts, and keeps your engine running smoothly. Failing to change the oil on time can lead to engine damage and decreased performance. Refer to your Chevy’s owner’s manual for the recommended oil change interval and make sure to follow it diligently.

Check and Maintain Fluid Levels

In addition to engine oil, it’s crucial to regularly check and maintain other critical fluids like brake fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and coolant. Keeping all fluids at proper levels is essential for your Chevy’s overall performance and safety.

Tire Care and Rotation

Proper tire maintenance is vital for both safety and fuel efficiency. Regularly check your tire pressure to ensure they are inflated to the recommended levels. Additionally, rotating your tires at the specified intervals ensures even wear and extends their lifespan. A well-maintained set of tires can improve your vehicle’s handling and save you money on fuel.

Brake Inspection

Regularly inspect the brake pads and rotors, as well as the brake fluid, and if you notice reduced braking performance or any signs of wear, have them checked and replaced promptly. Neglecting brake maintenance can lead to costly repairs and compromise your safety on the road.

Air Filter Replacement

A clean air filter is essential for your engine’s performance and fuel efficiency. The air filter can become clogged with dirt and debris over time, hindering airflow. Check and replace your air filter as recommended in your owner’s manual. A clean air filter improves engine performance and helps reduce emissions.

Regularly Wash and Wax

Maintaining the exterior of your Chevy helps protect the paint and finish from harsh weather conditions and road debris. Regularly wash and wax your vehicle to prevent rust and maintain its resale value. Pay special attention to cleaning the undercarriage to remove salt and grime that can cause corrosion.

Follow the Maintenance Schedule

Your Chevy comes with a manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedule outlined in the owner’s manual. Adhering to this schedule ensures that all critical components are inspected and serviced at the right intervals. Whether it’s timing belt replacement, spark plug change, or other essential services, following the manufacturer’s recommendations can prevent costly breakdowns and maintain your vehicle’s warranty.

To schedule a maintenance appointment or for any Chevrolet-related questions, contact Paynesville Chevrolet Buick, your trusted Chevrolet dealership and service center. Our team of experts here in Paynesville, MN, is ready to assist you in keeping your Chevy in excellent condition.